Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy Easter

I know it is late, we have just been really busy this week and I couldn't keep up with the blog. But on the up side...there are a lot of posts coming your way. Anyways, we celebrated Easter at our house this year and invited a couple families from our ward over to celebrate. It was kind of a weird year having fast Sunday on Easter since the previous week was General Conference. I missed all the talks about the Lord and the Easter music. But we still had a great time celebrating the Lord. We started out the week on Monday with a lesson on the last days of Jesus' life, and making resurrection rolls. The kids loved the story and learning about the Lord's life. Jackson was so concerned with Jesus dying on the cross and how much it hurt him. It was really sweet.

Then on Saturday we dyed eggs. It is so nice having the kids that are a little older for the dyeing process. Elizabeth made a huge mess but Jackson did well. I was too busy cleaning up to take any pictures.

On Sunday I hid their Easter baskets for them to find in the morning. I was laying in my bed half asleep when I heard the "crinkle crinkle" of candy and I knew one of them was up. It was Elizabeth and she had already eaten one piece and had unwrapped the big bunny. I came out and she looked up with a big smile squealing. "Look mom, Easter STUFF!" It was so cute to see her so excited about the basket and all the little presents she received. I know some people are against kids believing in fictional characters but to me there is no greater joy than kids believing in something bigger than themselves.This is how I found her in the morning.
searching for Jackson's basket
found the basket behind the TV
Enjoying the spoils of Easter basket heaven.

Finally we finished the week off with a great meal and an egg hunt on Sunday. Brandon hid about 50 eggs for the 4 kids so they all found plenty of goodies. Jackson was very excited about the egg hunt asking me every morning that week if it was Easter yet? By the time the egg hunt happened he was locked in on finding as many eggs as he could. At the end he came up to me and said, "mom I found the most eggs." I replied, "Yes but let's be modest about finding the eggs and cheer the other kids on." He then proceeded to check with the other kids to make sure they all found a reasonable amount of eggs and if they didn't he gave them a few of his own. It was so cute. I am so proud of how responsible and considerate he has become.

What a good looking group of kids!

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