It was an amazing summer. I forgot how hot the summers are here in AZ but we made it through spending most of the time in the pool or at the local splash pads. There are so many ways to stay cool in Arizona during the really hot months and the kids took full advantage of those places.
Hanging in our backyard.

Tempe Splash Pad. We made some great new friends this summer and reconnected with some old ones. A really good friend of mine from the BYU dorms and a few of her mom friends from a law school group. They have kids that are my kids ages and we loved getting together with them for outside playdates.
Ice Cream at Yogurtland.
Swimming at Mesquite Groves Pool. When we moved here in Febuary the kids could barely swim with their life jackets on. Jackson wouldn't even get in the water. By the end of the summer they had turned into fish. Elizabeth liked to call herself a mermaid, flapping around the pool while holding her breath. Jackson's inner dare devil came out and he would jump off the top of the waterfall or dive off the diving board. I am so proud of them and all their bravery.
And we spent the 4th of July at our house with a few new friends. BBQ, swimming, Monster's University, and fireworks at night. Jackson was way into the fireworks, a piro like his mom. We had to watch him very closely as he got a little overly excited with the punk.