Friday, June 20, 2008

2 month check up

Jackson had his 2 month well baby check yesterday. He had to get his vaccination shots and he was so brave. The doctor said that he is doing great. Here are his new measurements:

Weight: 13lbs (85%)
Height: 24.5 inches (95%)

He is such a good boy and very smiley. We were taking a bath the other day and he is getting used to it now and happy. Before he was really scared in his little bath tub. I have also discovered that he loves the hair dryer. I put him in the bathroom with me in the mornings and he is in awe when I turn on the hair dryer. What a funny boy!

Isn't this the cutest frown ever!

I love his big eyes. They are still blue! Yeah!


Justin said...

Hey, I love blogs! I am excited to see more pictures of you all. Jackson is so cute with that frown.

G and G said...

Isn't it so sad when they have to get shots! It breaks my heart! He is a such a cute boy Jess!!!