Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cherish the little things

*I just thought this picture of Jackson was really funny.

Sometimes it is the little pleasures in life that make it all worth while. Brandon and I were both really sick earlier this week, and I felt so helpless as a mother because I couldn't take very good care of Jackson (I couldn't even pick him up I was so sick). Somehow we got through it though and today was a great day to spend with Jack. We sat in our closet with the lights off and a flashlight for an hour just watching the light hit the wall and Jack inspecting the flashlight to make sure it wasn't edible. It was so much fun watching him observe the light and follow it with his big brown eyes. It is funny how something so simple can bring so much joy. I hope all of you participate in something simple this week.


The Parke Family said...

Thanks for the reminder to take a second to enjoy life. Sometimes we get going so fast, it's always good to remember to just slow down and sit a closet every now and then...

jor said...

You are such a cute mom! and that is a great idea to play in the closet with flashlights. My boys would love it!