Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Party

It was a very emotional Easter this year for a few reasons. First we have never spent Easter away from our family. It was sad not being with them on such a momentous occasion. Thankfully some of our new friends here in NM invited us to their house. They have two kids that are around the same ages as Jackson and Elizabeth so the kids had a great time together.

We were lucky enough to hear wonderful talks and lessons at church. It made me realize how grateful I am for the atonement and the Savior. I was sitting at church listening to the talks and thinking about how important my role is as a mother to guide my children in this life. Mother's have an affect on their children that we are sometimes unaware of. Our children listen to us and follow our instructions in every situation. Even when we think they aren't listening, they are. As a mother I need to make sure my children know who the Savior is and what he has done for them. We are here because of Him, and we are able to return to our Heavenly Father because of Jesus Christ.

The third reason I was so emotional is because it was the 12 year anviersery of my dad's death. When my dad died I took it very hard, crying a lot and loosing myself in the process. I wanted to talk about it to everyone except the rest of my family did not wan to talk about it. They put his death and their feelings deep inside themselves, and rarely spoke of him. As the years have passed I have come to a deeper understanding of death and why things happen in life. If my dad hadn't died I wouldn't be the person I am today. His death encouraged me to find the church which led me to my husband who gave me my wonderful children. I have a chosen life and I am grateful every day for that life.

Enough with the heavy, here are some wonderful pictures from our weekend.

Painting eggs
Easter Baskets
Egg hunt at the Cox's
Egg hunt at our house

No nap and too much candy made for a very long day and an early bedtime, lol.


Anonymous said...

Aww happy Easter a bit late! They are too cute! I love Easter festivities :)

Jill Carilli said...

Love you. :)