Picking a tree is a tough job, but it is a must for Christmas. First of all do you buy a real tree or a fake one. The real ones smell so good and it is always fun trucking out into the muddy tree farm and picking out that perfect tree that most likely is too big for your house. However, the fake ones are nice too because you only have to buy it once, the lights are already on it, and you don't have to worry about it drying out. . .fire hazards are a big concern in Arizona. Every year I agonize over how to decorate our tree. Having an A personality a part of me really wants the "Martha Stewart" tree where everything matches and is elegant. Then the other part of me wants the fun tree with lots of colors and random ornaments that we have collected over the years. Also, how do you know what to put on top, star or angel? Right now we have an angel which I think is fitting because it reminds me of Christ which should be the whole focus of Christmas but it really doesn't match the rest of our tree theme since our tree is not elegant but more free and fun. I guess I when we live in a house and have more room we will be able to have both elegant and fun trees, but in the meantime we will just have to settle for a bit of both trees.
On another note, where are the people that go all out with decorating their house? I want to see the neighborhoods that have the HOME IMPROVEMENT houses with the ridiculous manger and Santa on the roof with the entire sleigh and reindeer set. Where are these houses? All I see is boring ones that look beautiful but everyone once in awhile I want to see a really tacky Christmas house that lo
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