Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Photo Shoot and a Dress

As many of you know I have really gotten into sewing since Liz was born. I haven't done any scrapbooking in over a year (so much for keeping up with the baby books). But I have a lot of sewing projects to show Elizabeth's growth and style in her first two years of life. And, I have been expanding my sewing knowledge by creating pieces without patterns.

Now don't get too impressed. Kids clothing is really actually easy because there is no darts, or worrying about curves or any of those other issues that you would face when making adult clothing. Kids clothes are all about shapes; squares, triangles, and tubes. But still I am really proud of how far I have come since college and my love-sac fiasco (a story for another time).

Anyways here is another project with out a pattern. This project was inspired by this super cute GAP ruffle dress. I saw this dress and thought I CAN MAKE THAT! I just love all the little details. The ruffles around the neck, and the synched waist with ties. Plus it is perfect for the 4th of July. I found this adorable fabric from that matches my little Lizzy's eyes perfectly.

And here are some shots from my other hobby that has not been flourishing lately but I still love taking pictures.

Isn't she gorgeous! I just love her little sweet face, especially when she is smiling.

The most beautiful crystal blue eyes I have ever seen. Brandon is worried for the future teenage Lizzy with her looks and spunky personality. We are in trouble!

Doing somersaults. Her current favorite activity.

Two peas in a pod, not smiling at the camera of course but looking good.

Check out that face, she is so funny.

I love these kids.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

TOP 25 on Circle of Moms

Hey go and vote for my blog! I have been chosen for top 25 blogs on Circle of Moms.

Wow, I love the blogging world.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer at the Stokers

Well we are moving, soon. Don't know where yet but we will be moving in the next 3 weeks somewhere. Can you say...WHAT? I know. I am so stressed. As many of you know I don't do well with unpredictability. I am a planner and I need to plan. I have been looking for a rental house for the last 3 months. Seriously almost every day. All the houses are either too small, too expensive, no yard, total mess, etc etc etc. I keep readjusting my expectations. At first I wanted something similar to our house in AZ. Then I settled for a 4 bedroom with a small grass area. Now I am down to a 3 bed with a smaller grass area. Every time I find something that might work I find out there are already 3 or 4 applications in for the place. I looked at a house today that isn't even on the market to rent yet and they already have 8 applications in. AAAHHHHHH. Yeah. I am having a hard time.

Our house in Arizona still hasn't sold and it doesn't appear it will be selling anytime soon so we can't really buy. I had just realized that we will be living in the mountains for a while longer. Then the owner of the house we are in now informed us she needs us out by the 3rd of Aug. The CRAZY realtor has her convinced that the extremely over priced house will all the problems that we are living in now will sell if there are no tenants living in it. Whatever.

Yup, I'm venting again. I just don't know where else to turn. I want Brandon to know that I love and support him and I am trying to have a better attitude. I actually have been happier lately aside from the house situation. We joined a gym which is so wonderful. It is amazing what exercise does for the mind and body. And we are meeting a lot of nice moms in our mother's group which is awesome to have someone else to talk to.

On a more chipper note here are some of the adventures we have been on lately.

Jackson is obsessed with Cars again. Yes the movie is coming out but super obsessed. That kid cracks me up. He wore his Cars hat, Cars shirt, Cars swim trunks, Cars socks, and Cars sandals (I tried to tell him that we don't wear socks with sandals but he doesn't care). Then he carries around his Cars lunch box. He wore this for 3 days in a row (I washed it once). Jackson is learning the Alphabet now. We worked on the letter A and he drew his first A. Then he was so excited about it he drew 6 more. It was really fun to see how excited he was about learning and proud of his work.

Elizabeth is such a big girl. She talks so much and is about ready to be out of her crib since she has started climbing on everything. She is also fighting back when Jackson picks on her, she is so fiesty. She is showing off her intelligence too. The other night she told me, "This chicken is yumy mama." It was so sweet. She has started saying the prayers at dinner and at night time as well. I just love her little spunky personality and her interest in learning.

We have been trying to stick to our Saturday Family Day. Last week we went to the zoo because Jackson wanted to ride the train. It was really hot the kids faces were bright red by the end of the trip but it was still so much fun. We had a picnic, fed the ducks, and walked around. And of course we rode on the train which was totally lame because it was really slow and just went around the back side of the zoo but Jackson loved it. The extra large ice cream didn't hurt either.

They really are so much fun. I have been enjoying spending time with them a lot lately. Just watching them laugh and play together, it makes me so grateful to have healthy happy children.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Check out how cute this Father's Day gift is. I made one for Brandon since he already bought himself a Father's day gift (new golf clubs). Go to this LINK to learn how to make it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Days

Still no luck with the potty training but I am taking your advise, backing off, and not talking about it. Other than that things have been going pretty well around here. We are working more on learning, it is so nice being on Summer vaca because I have the afternoons (when I used to have to do school work) to spend some quality time teaching the alphabet, counting, learning colors and shapes. It is weird because Elizabeth is almost at the same level as Jack even though I work with him a lot more. She just picks things up so quickly. They are both really smart but in very different ways. Elizabeth is very vocal. She is always talking or singing and asking questions. Brandon and I joke that when she is 16 she will just repeat, "can I take the car, can I take the car, until we give in." Jackson is very visual. He sees something and remembers it. I think that is why he picks up on shapes and colors quicker than counting or saying his ABCs. They both love to read which I feel helps them a lot too. We read every night. Lately it has been the same books, "Lama Lama Red Pajama", and "There's a Nightmare in my Closet." Jackson thinks it is him in the nightmare book, he cracks me up.

One thing that has been super tough lately is Jackson's separation anxiety. I am hoping it is only a phase but every time I leave the room he screams bloody murder. And then he says, "I love you mommy don't leave me." I try to reassure him that I would never leave him alone but it doesn't seem to be taking. Honestly the crying is driving me a little crazy.

Last week we made waffles in watermelon shapes. It is so easy and yummy. Make your favorite waffle recipe, mine is buttermilk waffles. Then separate the batter into two bowls and put some green food coloring in one and red food coloring in the other. Then you pour the green batter in a circle around the outside of the waffle iron (with a hole in the middle) and fill in the hole with the red batter. Add mini chocolate chips to the center and cook. They come out looking like watermelons. Fun food that the kids love and perfect for summertime.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


HELP, I cannot get Jackson to want to go potty on the toilet. Every day we try and he just doesn't want to do it. I have tried everything from sticker charts to candy by the toilet (not my fav I got desparate). I even put a new toy that he has been wanting right by the potty. NOTHING. He loves running around in big boy underwear until he has to go and they he asks for a diaper. How do I get this kid interested in going on the toilet? He is over 3 now and I am worried and to tell you the truth a little embarrassed that he is not potty trained yet.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Our Long Weekend

This week was a little better I must add. After searching for a new place and finding NOTHING I have come to the conclusion that our current rental is very nice even with the small problems. I just need to ignore the insane realtor, deal with the malfunctioning toilets, and the long commute and just be happy. Brandon had Monday off so we decided to spend some time together as a family. It is true that moving to ABQ has brought us closer together as a family, that is one good thing about moving here. We went to the BIO park again together, I just love it there. They have a new butterfly exhibit that the kids loved and it was a beautiful day to walk around enjoying each other and the weather. Liz wore her new romper that I made for her, she really is so beautiful and gets more beautiful every day. Jackson is growing up too. He remembers everything now and really takes everything we say literally. I have to watch what I say around him more than ever.

Here are some funny things they have been doing lately:
-galloping around saying yeeha. They gallop everywhere
-Jackson tells me I am pretty and that he loves me all the time. I think he is still worried I am going to leave him. When he says he loves me he always softly touches my face, it is really sweet.
-Elizabeth likes to tell me that her name is Lizzy. It is really funny because she says it with such sass
-They love chasing the lizards around the yard and going for walks to the mailbox. When we walk they call it an adventure. They like to pick wildflowers along the way and tell me what color they are.
-We like to play tag at the park, our new game

They really are such beautiful children. So loving and full of energy. They wear me out but it is all worth it. At the end of the day when they say I love you and give me kisses, or they want to read books with me. Sometimes I forget that all they want is to be with me. For me to play with them and teach them and love them. I spend my days cleaning, and running, this week I took a few days to just be with them and I fell like my attitude and heart are in a much better place.

Princess in a castle
Dino peek-a-boo

Honey I shrunk the kids


Goofy faces
I'm flying
Pretty butterflies

Their new hangout place