We went down to the New Mexico state fair as a family last week. Wed is 2 for 1 day which is awesome because the kids are free so it only cost us $7 to get in. Good thing too because we neglected to check the weather report.
We got to the fair and I came to the realization that most fairs are not very classy. Let's face it...carnival rides and the people that participate in the fair tend to be lower class. Not to say we didn't have fun but the state fair tends to draw some pretty shady people. I guess it is all that fried food. Anyways, we went and rode on a few rides and walked around a bit before it started to rain, scratch that more like pour down on us. It didn't look like it was going to let up any time soon so we decided to call it a day after only 2 hours at the fair. The kids thought it was great. Jackson was really brave and rode on a caterpillar roller coaster with me that was surprisingly fast. Liz rode on the dinosaur ride by herself because by that time it had started to rain and Jackson just wanted to go home. On our way out we bought a yummy corn dog (my favorite fair food) and some deep fried Oreos that were DELICIOUS.
Here is the problem...I grew up with the Puyallup fair. The BEST fair ever. They have grounds set up specifically for the fair. The rides are like a mini amusement park, the food is AMAZING, and all the other attractions can not be beat. I think in fair terms I was spoiled and so any fair I go to doesn't compare and I tend to be disappointed.
We still had fun even if it wasn't the best day or place to go.