Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I just wanted to let everyone know about this really great author/illustrator that I love. His name is Matthew Van Fleet and his books are amazing. The illustrations are awesome and they are really fun books for toddlers. The age range is usually from 2-5 years old but Jackson has two of his books and he absolutely loves them. They have bright colors, touchy-feely pages, peek-a-boo pages, and pull tabs that are so much fun for kids. Plus some of the animals he uses I have never even heard of so I know they are educational. I know you can get the books in any book store, or Target, but Walmart has the best prices. They are a little pricey (at least I think so because I usually don't want to spend more than $10 on a book) they range from $12- $20 but they are totally worth it.

Here is his website:

I would like to recommend Tails or the Alphabet because those are the ones we own but I am sure they are all great.

1 comment:

Marel and Tom Stock! said...

Yup. Celia loves the tails book... we've had to put it away for awhile until she stops pulling out all the tails.