I love Halloween. I love the fact that kids dress up and beg for candy only to have their parents steal it. I love that adults dress up in idiotic costumes and aren't embarrassed. I love that you can be whoever you want to be for one day of the year no matter how stupid you may look. I love all the candy and cookies and cupcakes and Carmel and black frosting that gets everywhere. I love spending time with families and the cool weather that comes in with a little eeriness to it. But I think this Halloween will be really fun because Jackson is getting to an age that he actually enjoys the holidays. He loves pumpkins, and lights. He wants me to go and look at these fake pumpkins that we have in the entry way all day every day. He is too scared to go alone but he loves looking at them. He likes to dress up now, even though I can't get him to keep his pirate hat on.
On Monday our family spent the night carving pumpkins which is one of my favorite Halloween traditions. It reminds me of my dad sitting in our garage cleaning out 5 huge pumpkins for our family to carve because lets face it, the cleaning part is the worst. Thankfully I married a man that isn't into the carving but doesn't mind the cleaning so we make a good team. When Brandon and I first started dating one of our first dates was carving pumpkins with a group of friends. He wasn't too good at the carving so I of course had to fix his pumpkin and then he of course took all the credit. SUCH A MAN THING TO DO, LOL. I didn't care because I was already falling for him.
Jackson isn't too into the gutting either. He did not like the guts with the dispersed pumpkin seeds and refused to even touch the stuff. But he really enjoyed seeing all the pumpkins lit up at the end. We even talked my mom's boyfriend Derek into carving a pumpkin and let me tell you he had a great time. There is something about kids and family that makes everyone want to join in the fun.