Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cancer Watch...An Update

Some of you are probably wondering how my mom is progressing in her treatment. Well this past week was a not so good week. Up until this 3rd treatment my mom was feeling pretty good. A little tired but for the most part she was feeling good.

She had an amazing opportunity to have a makeup consultation with professionals through the breast cancer society. They taught her how to make her eyes pop and some good skin treatments. At the end she took home a huge bag of free makeup including a lot of high end products. She even learned how to tie some special scarves around her head. This was a really nice pick-me-up for her as last week she began loosing her hair.

Last week she received her 3rd treatment and I think that all the chemo has been building up in her system because it hit her like a ton of bricks. She was super tired, nauseous, and didn't sound like her chipper self. Thankfully only one treatment left in this round and then she will get a nice 3 week break. Hopefully she will be feeling better before that last treatment.

Now for a few words or pictures of encouragement:

If these girls can do it you can pull it off:

Love you mom.

1 comment:

Jill Carilli said...

Praying for your Momma honey. Hoping she feels better soon and that the next round her body is a little bit more acclimated to it. :) xoxo