Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Day Off, Lets Get Out of Here

Having 4 kids doesn't keep us at home. It's funny because after I had Jackson I was a little stir crazy staying home every day so I started going out with my mom friends to museums, plays, the park, etc. Then I had Lizzy and it was a little harder to get out. Add two more kids and it seems to get easier. Just load everybody up in the Suburban and off we go. Make sure you have a nice stroller for the road. I have to give Jack and Liz credit though, they are very helpful big brother and sister. I feel like now that they are in school I need to take advantage of every day off and do something fun. 

For MLK Jr. Day we headed to the I.D.E.A. museum in Mesa. This is a regular stop for us. They change the display every 3 months and the kids have free range on all the activities and crafts they love. Plus I don't have to clean up any mess, so bonus for me. We met our friends Lincoln and Elijah from Albuquerque there. There was an inset display and the kids discovered new types of insects and dressed up like bees. It was so cute to watch them discover and learn new things. 

 Then we headed to the Princess Park by our house. We love this park because it is clean and there is a farm right next to the park with horses, goats, and chickens. The horses are really nice and love people. Christian always runs straight for the horses.

 William is growing up so much. I can't believe how much he looks like his dad.
 He is 3 weeks old and shared his first smile with me. He hates tummy time but I think he was having a particularly happy day so I got a hint of his sweet, wide open smile.
 I love this picture of him sleeping. He is pensive and loves snuggling up on my bed. And I can't stop kissing his sweet cheeks.

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