Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Come and Go

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Saturday, December 13, 2008
11 Days Till Christmas

Jackson wasn't so sure about the big guy. He really liked the bell that the photographer rung (if you can even call her that). The first picture is him checking Santa out. I love this one because Jack always makes that observant face. Then I think he had a little bit of a panic attack and almost started crying but the bell saved him.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
How to trim your tree?
Picking a tree is a tough job, but it is a must for Christmas. First of all do you buy a real tree or a fake one. The real ones smell so good and it is always fun trucking out into the muddy tree farm and picking out that perfect tree that most likely is too big for your house. However, the fake ones are nice too because you only have to buy it once, the lights are already on it, and you don't have to worry about it drying out. . .fire hazards are a big concern in Arizona. Every year I agonize over how to decorate our tree. Having an A personality a part of me really wants the "Martha Stewart" tree where everything matches and is elegant. Then the other part of me wants the fun tree with lots of colors and random ornaments that we have collected over the years. Also, how do you know what to put on top, star or angel? Right now we have an angel which I think is fitting because it reminds me of Christ which should be the whole focus of Christmas but it really doesn't match the rest of our tree theme since our tree is not elegant but more free and fun. I guess I when we live in a house and have more room we will be able to have both elegant and fun trees, but in the meantime we will just have to settle for a bit of both trees.
On another note, where are the people that go all out with decorating their house? I want to see the neighborhoods that have the HOME IMPROVEMENT houses with the ridiculous manger and Santa on the roof with the entire sleigh and reindeer set. Where are these houses? All I see is boring ones that look beautiful but everyone once in awhile I want to see a really tacky Christmas house that lo
Saturday, December 6, 2008

*On a side note, Jackson is no longer to play with our keys because he slobbers all over the key remote and the batteries wear down so we can't get into our cars. It has happened 3 times in the past 2 weeks.
By the time the night was over I think he got sick of crawling after things because he was not doing it anymore. He would just get mad at me when I moved the toy farther away. I guess it is his right to be mad, I would get angry too if I went after something and it just kept getting farther and farther away, lol.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
In the Christmas Spirit

Saturday, November 29, 2008
I don't want to grow up!

Jackson is growing up so fast. I remember last year at this time I thought Boneyard Bob would never come. Now he is almost 8 months old and being more and more independent. He still can't crawl yet but he is getting closer and closer everyday. He actually prefers holding onto our hands and walking more than getting around on his own. I have a feeling he will go directly from crawling to walking. He is talking more than ever and is always trying to go go go. We hold him and he just wants to be on the move. His new favorite toy is the standing fans at Grandma and Grandpa Stoker's house. I don't know what it is about them but he is just enthrawlled by the fan and always wants to go and see it. He is getting really good with his hands now too which is fun. He can usually pick up cherrios all by himself and put them in his mouth. His favorite snack is toast strips though. I don't know what it is about them but he just gobbles up that toast. It is amazing what kids learn and how quickly they can pick up on things.
On sad aspect is that he has also been rejecting his jumper lately. I am hoping it is only because he has been held so much this past week by all the family members so he doesn't like being stuck in it right now. I really like it so I hope he is not permenentaly rejecting it.
It has finally started to cool off here so I can dress him in warmer clothes which is fun. I am really excited about putting up the Christmas tree. I know he will like the lights and I am sure he will want to pull off all the ornaments and put them in his mouth. I guess I will have to make sure only ribbon hanging plastic ones are on the bottom.
Thanksgiving is a day to be Thankful
Well Thanksgiving week is over and I am pretty sad actually. I say week because the fam was here all week and we did activities everyday and had so much fun. I am really sad to see everyone go. Brandon even noticed that I was sad, and I just realized that I love holidays and spending time with the ones we love. Not that everyone else doesn't love that but I think that since I became a mom I have been a lot more sensitive about people leaving. Every time family comes whether it is my mom or Brandon's sisters or grandparents, when they leave I get a little teary-eyed. Having a baby is making me soft (haha). Anyways, more about our week. We went disc golfing which was really fun and for those of you who don't know what disc golfing is well it is like golf but instead of using golf balls and clubs you use freesbies or discs. I only sent one over the fence but thanks to Justin we got it back. We also played lots of ping pong, wallyball, football, soccer, wiffle ball, and whatever other game you can think of. It was nice having everyone see Jackson again. He is getting so big so fast and Grandpa Stoker and Brianna hadn't even met him yet. I was just a fun week and I am sad that it had to end but at least Brandon is still around to cheer me up. What a great husband!!
5 things I am the most thankful for this year:
-my husband that loves and supports me
-my son who is growing up healthy and happy
-our families that are so close (if not geographically at least close in heart)
-my mom for all the new mother advise
-my job, I can teach and work from home so I can raise Jack
Friday, November 21, 2008
Cookies anyone?
Best Sweets (lowest in calories or fat)
- Pumpkin Pie: at least you are eating a vegetable right?
- Apple Pie (without top crust): fruits are always nice to add to your diet
- Apple Cider
Worst Sweets
- Pecan pie
- Cheesecake
- Eggnog
- Fruit cake
- Fudge
This is the last time I let Missy babysit. . .just kidding. I gave him the half oreo. I know sugar is not good for babies but how can you resist a face like that?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Happiest Place on Earth
Top 10 Things to do at Disneyland
1. Ride California Screaming
2. Ride the Tower of Terror
3. Get soaked on the Grizzly Mountain ride
4. Get soaked and take a picture on Splash mountain
5. Score over 10
6. Eat a corndog
7. Ride Space Mountain until your brain is a little loose
8. Eat at the Saloon in Adventure Land and watch the show
9. Pretend you are a Pirate on the Pirate's Lair (formerly Tom Sauwer's Island)
10. Watch the disney parades
Where have we been?
(I think this first picture is so cute! This is him saying, "mom do you really have to take soo many pictures of me?")

I know I know, I haven't posted in a while but we have been super busy around here. Brandon is still studying for the GMAT, I am still teaching online, and I am taking a class online for my certification. Plus Jackson is a crazy man and takes up a lot of our time so. . . here is a short update. Jack is over 7 months now and not crawling yet. He is very close though. Right now he gets up on his hands and knees and does that rocking thing babies do right before they take the first "steps" towards crawling that is. He also has 5 teeth now and likes to bite things like my face or sometimes my neck when I think he is giving me kisses. I'm not sure what to do about that. How do you teach a baby not to bite? (haha)
He really has
the rolling over thing down though. If he wants something he just rolls himself over to it. I am actually surprised he isn't crawling yet because when we brought him home from the hospital he was already rolling from side to side so I thought he was going to be an over-achiever. He has been standing on things since he was 5 weeks old (hence the thunder thighs), so maybe he will just skip the crawling and go straight to walking. Who knows? Other than that he is doing great. Still sleeping through the night, starting to eat finger foods, very observant of everything going on around him, and he has the best gut laugh I have ever heard. He still loves his jumper too. He really can get that thing rocking and he laughs at himself when he gets going. I am just sad most of you can't see him in person.

We put him in his new car seat and let me tell you he loves it! I think he feels like it is his own thrown or something. It is really soft and comfy and he can see better so he really likes that. One funny thing that I have noticed him doing lately is getting startled. He used to like to be scared a little but now he gets really worried and scared. Not so much that he cries but he definitely jumps in certain situations like when I turn on the faucet in the bathtub or when we go through the car wash. My favorite is when Brandon turns on the garbage disposal because it is really load and Brandon pretends like the noise is coming from him (opening his mouth and turning it on). Jack does not know what to make of that. And he still makes his funny faces. He is a great little boy and we love him so much.
I know I know, I haven't posted in a while but we have been super busy around here. Brandon is still studying for the GMAT, I am still teaching online, and I am taking a class online for my certification. Plus Jackson is a crazy man and takes up a lot of our time so. . . here is a short update. Jack is over 7 months now and not crawling yet. He is very close though. Right now he gets up on his hands and knees and does that rocking thing babies do right before they take the first "steps" towards crawling that is. He also has 5 teeth now and likes to bite things like my face or sometimes my neck when I think he is giving me kisses. I'm not sure what to do about that. How do you teach a baby not to bite? (haha)
He really has
We put him in his new car seat and let me tell you he loves it! I think he feels like it is his own thrown or something. It is really soft and comfy and he can see better so he really likes that. One funny thing that I have noticed him doing lately is getting startled. He used to like to be scared a little but now he gets really worried and scared. Not so much that he cries but he definitely jumps in certain situations like when I turn on the faucet in the bathtub or when we go through the car wash. My favorite is when Brandon turns on the garbage disposal because it is really load and Brandon pretends like the noise is coming from him (opening his mouth and turning it on). Jack does not know what to make of that. And he still makes his funny faces. He is a great little boy and we love him so much.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
I thought I had picked the perfect pumpkin for my carving this year. Turns out it was the perfect size but it was SUPER thick. Brandon and I have a deal where he gets the honors of carving out all the guts and I get to do the fun part. He gave up on getting ride of the insides because the more he scraped the more pumpkin guts appeared. Finally we just gave up and started carving. I love those carving books because they have such cute ideas but they never turn out like the picture. . .even for a talented carver like myself. I think next year I will just stick to my own creative intuition and create a design myself. Everyone's pumpkins turned out great but my favorite was Missy's Harry Potter pumpkin. Maybe next year I will have to figure out a way to make Dumbledore.
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
NBA. . .It's on like Donkey Kong
Can I just say it was a long summer with my beloved Sun's going out in the first round. So I only think it is fitting for their first game to be against San Antonio (the team that dismissed them last season). And the Spurs are up to their old tricks. Hack a Shaq, flops, throwing elbows left and right. Only two things can make me happy when I see the Suns play the Spurs. First is us beating them, which we did tonight (103-98). Then seeing Ginobli out for the first part of the season. There is not a player that I loathe more than Ginobli. Both of those things happened tonight and the Suns have started their 08-09 season 1-0. Only 81 games to win! Don't get me wrong, I know they won't win all 82 games but beating the Spurs is definitely a good start. The team looked good tonight. I like the new additions, especially Matt Barns, and I have a feeling the new coach is going to do a great job! Still the same old Suns running and gunning, but slowing down every once in a while and playing some tough D. We are going to the game on Saturday, but before they beat down the young Trailblazers they will have to play the Hornets and another player I hate, CP3. Chris Paul is a great player but Nash is still the best and most effective point guard in the game. Tomorrow will be a good example of Nash's impact and greatness. Tune in to TNT for a great game.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hot Mommas keep me sane
So I am in this mother's play group called the hot mommas and I love it because I can get out of the house (and not just to Target where I spend way too much money). We do all kinds of fun activities. Last week we went to the zoo which was so much fun. I love the zoo. The Phoenix zoo is pretty nice. Not as good as San Diego or even Point Defiance (in WA) but we had a good time. Jackson liked the giraffe because it can right up to the fence and he sees giraffes in his bedroom all the time. I actually think he recognized the giraffe from the ones in his bedroom which is exciting. It is amazing to see babies change and grow. We also painted pumpkins the other day. Jack is not so good at painting but he did like smearing around the paint that I put on the pumpkin. Thankfully it was non-toxic, washable paint because as soon as he was done he decided to give the pumpkin a big, open mouth kiss. That crazy kid puts everything in
Check out the drool machine. He is like a faucet.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
1/2 a year

Here is an update on Jackson's stats. He is 6 months old now and doing everything a 6 month old should be able to do. He talks (mama), sits up on his own, can hold objects and switch hands (although he favors his left so I think he is going to be a lefty). He is also looking like he wants to get in position to crawl but he is just not sure how to do it yet. He is a really good boy and we are so happy to have him in our lives. We had a photo shoot the other day and here are some shots that I thought were cute.

Weight: 19lbs (85%)
Head: 44 cm (75%) He has a pumpkin head.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
No Peas Please
I read in some text book in college that it takes 7 times for a child to like a new food. That means that it takes 6 failures of introducing a new food until they finally will eat it. Well I thought I was ahead of the game because the first time Jackson tried anything new he liked it. He would eat peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, any kind of fruit, everything was the same to him. Now that he is getting older he is learning that some foods taste better than others. For instance peas and green beans=yuck. .. peaches and pears=yummy. I am trying to provide the best nutrition possible but it is so hard to get the kid to eat a green vegetable. Every time I offer it he makes a sour face and then gags. Brandon finds it very comical while I am beginning to get a little frustrated. I guess I will have to offer them a few more times before I get him to like them, but until then it will be green bean spew.
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